Are you tired of lining your landlords pockets, making them rich while you throw your money out the window? If you have a good job, but poor credit, Lease to Own may be your best option. You a home owner sooner than you ever thought possible. If you area already a home owner at risk of losing your property, lease to own may be able to put you back on track.
Lease to Own Homes Ontario Canada
Unlike traditional renting, a portion of your lease payments go towards the down payment toward the purchase of the house. All figures are calculated for you to ensure that you can comfortably afford the lease as well as the final purchase of the property at the end of the lease term. The best part is, unlike other lease to own programs, you actually get to shop for your own house with a real estate agent.
We typically work with people who fall into one or more of the following categories:
- Bad Credit
- No Credit
- Divorced
- Low down payment
- Past health issues
- Past bankruptcy
- In consumer proposal
- Self-employed or entrepreneur
If you have a good job and small down payment you may be eligible for our lease to own program. Stop paying rent! If you have applied for a mortgage and been denied, we can turn that into approved!You will also start building equity in your home immediately with your initial down payment. As you build equity in your home you open up a wealth of possibilities, such as getting the best rates on loans, and if or when you decide to sell the house, you will gain cash back from equity which can be used towards a down payment of an even nicer house down the road.
Why pay rent, when you can lease to own?
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You can attend Real Estate Millionaire Apprenticeship . To find out more, please go to
The above information is provided as a guideline and is not intended to give a professional legal advice. Please consult a real estate lawyer for their opinion on your particular case.
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